So if someone would have told me that my 40's would be so great I would think they were crazy! You hear how getting older gets better. Well there is truth to that. But it didn't start out like that.
Have you been business professionals and were affected by the recession? The economy? Possible foreclosureof your home? How about your car repossessed? How about own or start a business and all of a sudden found you couldn't draw a salary from that? We actually answer yes to all of that! The last 5 years have been the scariest of all.
I was a dental consultant. I traveled across the US helping dentists and their staff. I was very fortunante. As our family grew travel became difficult. I stayed local but even then daycare was expensive. I actually have 5 kids ranging 22-7 but rounding out the pack is a set of twins. So needless to say travel was not an option.
Back in 2008 my husband and I partnered with my sister and husband and took out a small business loan and opened a green dry cleaner. One year later the recession hit. Three years in to it I had to change careers while we were holding on at the cleaners. WOW that was scary. I was really looking to do something that would allow me to work out of my home office, take care of my kids and still work three days a week at the cleaners. And thank goodness I did.
I think finding something that wasn't normal was hard to grasp. What some might think a step down incareer choices . Where some might think to be "one of those" things. I hadn't done anything like this and so glad I took a chance. I now am approaching that executive income that business professionals get while working from my home office. I think the good part is I really get to help others do the same. By the way our cleaners is doing awesome. I must say taking charge of our income situation was worth it.
We all come from all walks of life. From stay at home moms, to business professionals, to the baby boomers looking to retire we all found ourselves in a great situation to bring in primary or additional income.
Having a green dry cleaner and working with a health and wellness company that specializes and helping others go green and take charge of their health through vitamins and supplements has been a great match for my future. There is so much market demand for what I get do share. After all those of us that are looking to shop safer, healthier while saving money is a huge benefit!
I look forward to sharing with all of you tips for the future and helping you to find that balance. Come and check out my website. We are offering free webinars!
Here's to the future.
Alicia Perez
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